We Will Be Spectacular Monkeys

On this bright afternoon
or a bright tomorrow
we will climb up
in the true high trees
we will see with vision
clear to the future
we will swing
and when we swing
down with all gravity
and up with all purpose
then, we will be monkeys
we will be spectacular monkeys
loud and hidden
now and forever
we will drum the thick bark
we will laugh at the weeds below
we will hoot the indescribable
we will holler the profane
we will scatter the pedestrian
we will haunt the sidewalk crowd
we will linger
at the construction scaffolds
atop the new-painted lampposts
in the shadow of the unlocked door
we will find the empty moments
we will steal our trinkets
we will leave our changelings
we will leave our gifts
we will be gone before the stories
of the invisible and animist spirits
we will be the animist spirits
we will watch
and as the world rises
we will remain


161 Words

2018-04-14 00:00 +0000