
I was sure it would be written
I was sure there would be instruction
I was sure you had advice to give

I was sure we had spoken before
and pretend to hold an understanding

I was sure it would be opaque
I was sure it would be simple
I was sure it would be fragile
I was sure it would be brief

I was sure that this
ridiculous bubble foam construction
would not hold

I was sure that this
all this
could not be done by lungpower

I was sure you had no breath
left from between the words

I was sure I would be mistaken
about everything
or less

I was sure the rainbows beneath us
would vanish in the directness
and full color of the light

I was sure these thin film groundings
would not hold their shape
once dehydrated
and frozen
and bent

I was sure there were patterns
of the clashing and inseparable
refractions in the
thin and fragile
surface of the eye

I was sure they held an understanding

I was sure it would be brief

I was sure they were held
they would be held
by a tighter grip
by a nearly blinking
crescent of vision

I was sure we did not have much to say

I was sure I would be mistaken

I was sure